Thursday, October 21, 2010

I love this product!

Purex Complete 3-in-1
I really do love this Purex 3-in-1. I was able to get this detergent fairly cheap because I had saved some coupons. I paid less than a dollar for each one. I thought I would get it because it was going to be a cheap detergent that I could stock up on. Little did I know just how much I was going to LOVE it!  It is so easy to use that my husband has even started doing some laundry. It has the detergent, softener, and dryer sheet all in one sheet.  There is very little packaging and is great for stocking up on because it takes up very little space in my laundry area.  Let's talk about the smell, oh the smell. I am usually very picky about the smell of my detergent and softener. When I bought this I didn't really care what it smelled like because I was getting it so cheap that I told myself I would live with whatever smell it had. My first load came out and I could not stop smelling the clothes. It has such a light and refreshing smell that I have been washing everything, even my curtains. I'm not sure if I said this yet but I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!! Just try it you will too.

I have not been paid by Purex nor do they even know who I am. I just wanted to share my fascination with this detergent.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Arkansas or Bust…..

My husband and I have left Texas for good. No just kidding. We have come to Arkansas to see family and see all the BEAUTIFUL trees. We left early in the morning, and when I say early I mean 8am. We are not morning people.  My son needed a traveling companion so we picked up my husbands grandmother.
100_2042100_2043Grandma Horton car100_2045
You could surely tell when we crossed over into Oklahoma. Hay bales as far as the eye could see.
Hay Bales
We took a new way where we came to Muskogee and saw strange sights.
Coal plant
The back seat went frighteningly quiet. I was afraid of what I would find. I was reassured and giggled when I saw this.
sleeping gma and cowan
My husband and I got to spend some alone time together. So we went to one of our favorite places here. The Pinnacle Hills Promenade.
arrowpyramid 1
The Promenade is an outdoor mall. It is so pretty at night. The pyramid in the center of the promenade is lit up and changes colors to the music.
Sean pyramidflowe bed
mall promanade
We go a little bonkers when we are without child for a few hours. Two more days then we have to go back to Texas.
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