Well, it's that time of year again. Youth Summer Camp. We leave on Sunday. I'm excited to go but very reluctant. I have started to make my list of everything I need to pack and everything I need to accomplish before we leave. I have three lists going. What I need to pack for myself, what I need to pack for my little guy, and what I need to do before we leave. My In-laws agreed to take my little guy for the week to their house which is in Arkansas. It didn't take any
persuasion for them to accept.

In my
preparation, I started to realize it was going to be very hot while we are at camp. We are outside almost all day. This girl doesn't do well in heat. I get cranky. Then add hunger to that and you might want to run for cover, it won't be pretty. So in my distress, I prayed to God for rain and lots of it. I also prayed for cooler weather. Not too cool because I want the kids to go swim and get out of my hair.

I then began to remember last year and the year before that, lots of girls in one small room. I am so thankful for the room we stayed in the past years because we didn't have to share with another church. We do not share well. So I have 10 teenage girls in one small room, all week. Someone save me. There will be the inevitable fights and DRAMA that all girls bring. I don't know if I am ready for this. I guess I don't really have a choice.
So to calm myself here are some pics I took while at Nana's.

Stone turtle


Birdie bell
This is how bored I am when I post random pics.