Monday, February 21, 2011

Who... What... Where am I?

I'm tired.  I'm exhausted. I'm spent. I'm done. For now.

I still love to blog. I'm just not going to do it as much.
I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher, a house keeper. I want to keep it that way.
I won't feel bad if I go a week without a post anymore. Other bloggers will no longer make me feel bad for not blogging everyday.
Who cares about going to conventions and trying to get as many followers as possible. It's not me, anymore.
I just got a new camera from my SL and I am going spend time learning it. I will post pics of my test subjects soon.

Find your priorities.

Love to all

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Livingroom Floor Confessions

I'm exhausted. Two winter storms in one week is too much for this Texas girl. When we finally got our water back I started washing clothes and dishes. Later we heard of another storm coming like the first. I frantically washed all clothes and dishes worried that we would have frozen and busted pipes again. Plus we spent all day Sunday at church for our Superbowl chili cook off.

All of that said I have an excerpt from our first video. We get talking too much and our video became way too long so I edited this out. I still wanted to show it so here it is

My First Time Cooking w/o My Mom

Love ya Teri!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I call UNCLE!! No more COLD!!!  This Texas girl just can't handle the negative temps. This is Texas for goodness sake! Something is just wrong when Alaska is 1degree above us.

Our pipes had been freezing off and on this week. First the entire back of the house was frozen. Then part of it thawed yesterday. Yay!! The other end of it by the washer and dryer had not thawed. Last night we were woken by a strange noise around 4am. Let me tell ya how happy I was at 4am. I thought someone was breaking into my car right next to our bedroom. I jumped up put on my Uggs and ran outside ready to whip up on someone. You don't mess with my car. I LURVE my car. Well, there was no one there. Weird. I was pumped full of adrenaline so there was no getting back to sleep. Well SL heard other noises as well. Our water heater was dripping onto the flame. We heard a sizzle all morning.

SL went to put the dogs out and low and behold we had a small lake in our back yard coming from under the house. GREAT!! The pipe burst. We scrambled to get the water turned off. Now we need a plumber NOW.  Oh yeah and the water I saved in our bath tub was drained by our landlord. He is a wonderful man, but he left me with NO water, and SL took my car. I may have to whop up on him.

Feel sorry for me yet? No?  Well, I'm pretty pitiful you should.  I'll throw my own pity party. Anyone else snowed/iced in can join me.

I'm feeling really down. I just ate a muffin for lunch. This is the only thing that makes me happy.
Isn't that cute. Last time he played in the snow he looked like this...

So sweet. Here are more of my 2 year old with SL trying to play in the snow.

Don't worry Bubba had several layers on and he only stayed out for a few minutes. He screamed and whaled when it was time to come in. Until I gave him hot chocolate and cookies.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fever Has Set In

We are snowed in still. It started Monday night with the storms and sleet. I wanted to feel it so I went out in the front yard and it felt like tiny shards of glass hitting you. I didn't like it. The weather guy here called it Thunder Snow/Sleet. It was weird. Then the wind hit and with it the snow and more sleet.

We woke up to a different place. Everything was white. I would say it was quiet and still only because there were no people out, but I can't. The wind was blowing crazy hard.

 I wanted pictures. I'm not a photographer but I love to take pictures. My camera is ok for a point-and-shoot. So I had my fleece pants with tights under, three long sleeves with hoodie on. I thought I was good. I figured there wasn't much of a difference on my skin between 6 degrees and 20 degrees. Normally there is not, but when the wind is blowing 50mph the wind chill drops to -5 degrees with lots of blowing snow it cuts through every layer I had on. I was not wearing gloves so I could handle my camera. Stupid. These were the pictures I took.
.... and then my camera froze. So did I. My hands here hurting so badly I could not get to my house fast enough. The blowing wind and snow stops you in your tracks. This is Texas right?

So now we are out of school for the third day in a row, we are having black outs, and freezing pipes. Where am I? Alaska is 1 degree colder than here right now. What?! I can't leave the house with my 2yr old.  So the fever has set in. The Cabin Fever. Can't do dishes or laundry, supposed to conserve water and electricity. Maybe that is a good thing, I hate dishes and folding laundry. My husband is getting through this by sleeping. I guess he needs it. Booo...

Silver lining I here a strange noise outside this afternoon and see this...

 A kind person has come to uncover our church parking lots and sidewalks. That is the front of the church. I told you I live right down from the church.
This was a different post for me. Cabin Fever has gotten to my head. When the snow and ice leave, things will return to normal, so will I.

If you are snowed in or freezing, try your best to stay warm. God Bless You.

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