I know that it is only August but I can not wait for Fall to get here. It has been a very HOT past two weeks with no relief in sight. Texas in the summer is sweltering. I continue to tell my Hubby that we get old we will be traveling to the North for the summer. Then come back here for Spring, Fall, and Winter. My poor air-conditioner has been running constantly with our 110 degrees days. So I try to find ways to trick my mind into thinking it is cooler out there. I watch Christmas movies, plan my Fall decor, and plan my Christmas decor.
We took a trip into Hobby Lobby this past weekend. I could spend hours in that store. Hobby Lobby has all of there Fall and Christmas decorations out. I spent half of the time in those ailes. I could see the frustration on my hubby's face as he wrangled our son from touching anything. My mom however was right there with me. That must be where I acquired my love of Hobby Lobby. We were almost through the store when I saw this.....
I love these stocking kits. I made one for my Hubby years ago while we were still dating. Hobby Lobby had many different kinds there. I almost bought the one where Santa was playing football for my little munchkin. But then I saw this one, Santa's Sweets. I couldn't resist. I love baking and baked goods.
So I plan on working on this stocking everyday while my munchkin takes his nap. I should be doing housework at that time but I want to fool my mind into thinking it is cooler outside.
It may take me until Christmas to get this finished at the rate I'm working on, but that ok. I plan on putting this in my kitchen the day after Thanksgiving. That is the day I decorate for Christmas. That is the day everyone decorates right? Well, that is what I tell my Hubby at least. He doesn't need to know anything differently. We will discuss his reluctance for Christmas decor another time.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago
Just saying that I do like decorating for Christmas just not getting the Christmas stuff out of the shed.