Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hide and Seek

My son has found a new hiding place. I called him to get ready for his bath, and when he didn't excitedly run to me I knew he was hiding. You see, he just turned 3 and his favorite game is hide and seek now. I'm not a fan.  

However he is awfully cute when hiding. I hear that sweet giggle when I get close. I then see this....

So cute. We play and wrestle on the floor.

Then I realize the bathtub has been filling this whole time.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Great Finds at Grandma's

SL's grandma has a house full of stuff. Not trash, just stuff. Antiques, collectibles, and stuff. It is always fun to look through it and see what great things are in there. Last year she gave me this great bowl. I love it and my son loves to eat his cereal out of it.

This past weekend we were at grandma's house for my son's birthday and we happened to come across this awesome tin.

First thing I saw were all the colors and the design. I was hooked. I love it.

I then turn it around and see what is on the back.

It is a Bisquick tin. I didn't even know they made these. No one else there did as well. 
We tried to find a date but there was none.
I'm going to do some searching to see what info I can find about it.

I think I may put cookies in this and leave it on my dinning table.
It has to be left out so I can see it and enjoy it.
If you know anything about it let me know.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Great Birthday Deal

So I normally don't blog about some of the great deals I find. Only because I'm not very good at it.
But while at Target I came across the quilt I had been wanting for my son.
He will soon be out of his toddler bed and in a twin bed.
He is growing so fast. sniff
Moving on...

I saw it again and it had the highly anticipated red sticker on it.
Yes, it was on clearance.
Cue the chorus of angels.

My son's 3rd birthday is this week and I thought "Better get it now, cause it won't be here next time"
I hate that. When you want to buy something and decide to come back for it and it's gone.

So this very cute quilt was originally $64.99. Way to much for this household.
Today on clearance for $16.24.
Had to get it.

Now when we get his new bed in, he won't have to sleep like this anymore.

Please disregard the messy room.
I don't know how he sleeps this way.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


pleated poppy
Today I am joining What I Wore Wednesday with The Pleated Poppy. 
I decided to join today to get myself out of my yoga pants and t-shirts and actually get dressed.
Not there is anything wrong with wearing yoga pants and t-shirts, I was just get lazy in what I wear.
My hubby laughs because some days I just stay in my pj's and don't even make the effort to wear my yoga pants. I'm always afraid someone will come to the door and I'll still be in my pj's and braless in the middle of the afternoon. Not a pretty site.

My son wanted to join the photo, which is very rare for him.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I've Finally Done It

I pushed my Husband over the edge...and laughed the whole time.

I have a feeling I'm going to pay for this. Only if he sees it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tray Redo

A couple of years ago I bought a tray that I thought was so pretty. I had no taste then. I had an idea that might turn it into something I would proudly put out for all to see. Well, mostly my husband, son, and I could see. This is what it looks like now...

This is half way through.  I have spray painted all the light colored wood white, what else.
Tip: Don't spray paint outside when it is 110 degrees outside. I live in Texas and it has been insanely hot for months now. I do not have a garage to paint in so I tried to find a shady spot to paint the ugly wood away. When you paint in serious heat it causes the paint to bubble. Normally this would drive me crazy, but today a few bubbles never hurt anyone.

 After it has fully dried, because I brought it inside so that it wouldn't melt, find the ridiculously large bottle of modge podge and cover the inside. Place whatever paper you love inside and press to get all the bubbles out.  I used a beautiful scrapbook paper I found at Hob Lob. I love that paper.
Once paper has dried give it a couple of coats of MP to protect the paper from liquids. If it ever gets wet you can just wipe it out. However, putting hot things on the tray might cause the MP to become sticky again.

What things have you created out of boredom?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Houston We Have a Problem

I think I may have a hoarder in the making. I found this large pile of Pull Ups under his bed this morning.

28 Pull Ups under a toddler bed.  Could he be a hoarder in the making? Should I start an intervention soon?

I have a much simpler explanation...

He's 2!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday...

... to me!

Yes today is my birthday. I'm ok with it, for at least two more years. Then I will have some negotiating conversations with God. I don't know why He would make me turn 30.

I have already received lots of birthday love. SL is planning on taking me shopping later for new camera stuff. I'm excited.

Here are a few of the lovely messages I've heard this weekend.

"After 30, a body has a mind of its own." (Good thing I have 2 more years)

"Last week the candle factory burned down. Everyone just stood around and sang, ‘Happy Birthday’."

"Like many women my age, I am 28 years old" (Wait, I am!"

"Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest."

Thanks for all the Birthday Love!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What Is My Dog Thinking

My mom showed this to me a few weeks ago, and I thought it was so hilarious.
I couldn't resist sharing it with you.
If you go to their YouTube page you can see the other talking animals they have.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We'll Be Ok

God doesn't give explanations
He gives promises.

I cling to those promises.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Under a Rock

I've been living under a rock for a few months now. I wanted to write this post in hopes that if I can get all of this out I maybe able to come out from under this rock. My rock is very comfy. There is only enough room for me under here.
An old pic, before we painted the Youth room.
If you aren't immediate family than you probably don't know what had been going on with us lately. My husband is a youth minister. He is an amazing youth minister (I may be biased). He has a way of talking to teenagers that can get past their entitlement, their self grandeur, and self esteem (whether high or low). 

We had been at our church for 2 years when the church said they could no longer afford to keep him Full time. So he went look for a second job.

We were doing just fine with our two jobs, but when he became part time at the church we knew he would need another job. God amazingly took care of it and SL found a job at Sears very quickly. God  has truly blessed SL at Sears. He went from seasonal to Full time Head Cashier in one year.

A year a half after the church put SL as part time, they have now decided to hire a Full Time Music Minister/Youth Minister. SL can't sing or play a musical instrument. Guess what that means.  We're Out.

Our initial reactions was hurt, anger, bitterness. As we have had time to absorb this, we realize God was answering our prayers. We have been praying that God would show us if it was time to leave or stay since SL was put on part time.  God was telling us, It's time to go.  We are still a little hurt, it's hard to not be. But we have a lot of sadness for our youth. We have always stayed for them. Even when we have struggled financially, we kept thinking we are doing this for these teenagers who desperately need a positive influence in their lives.

So now we are looking for a new church or whatever God has in store for us. We don't know what is going to happen, how long we can stay in our house before we can no longer afford it. But we put all our trust in God. He has got us through everything put in front of us and we know He will get us through this too. 

So if you think about us anytime, say a prayer for me, SL, and Bubba.  We sure need it. I will continue to pray for you. Email me your prayer requests.

p.s. say a prayer for Julie also. You can hear about her story here  Another Chance Ranch

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day Late Wordless Wednesday

Was supposed to post this yesterday, but I entered the date wrong on the auto post.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Signs of Life

This past week has been a crazy one. SL and I got some discouraging news last week. However, we have realized that is God giving us the answers we have been praying for.

We have had almost no rain since November. No rain means very dry grass. Very dry grass means fire food. Friday when massive storms where going through our northwest we had very High winds. Like 60 mph. Now it gets windy in these parts around spring, but nothing like this. So we had many fires in our surrounds because of this. Some were large fires, some were small, some are still burning 5 days later and destroyed dozens of homes and thousands of miles of land.

When you don't have rain for several months it can get warm. Something about the ground no absorbing heat, or the opposite. I don't know, the meteorologist explained it better. So all that to say, we have been very warm lately. No, not warm, HOT! Like 103 degrees! And it's not even Easter yet.

These are all pics of my mom's flowers at her house. I thought with the crazy heat, fires, and no rain it was nice to see some cool purple colored flowers.
I think I finally have the smell of smoke out of my house. Or my nose has just grown immune to it.
Now I'm dealing with a cough I assume is from all ths smoke and dust in the air.
Please say a prayer for all the people who have lost their homes, their land, their pets, their treasured things. It is a tough beginning for them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Texas Weather

The Bluebonnets are starting to bloom! In Texas that means Spring has Sprung.
Unfortunately our fields of Bluebonnets are not quite this full. We have been seriously low on rain. It has been since November 2010 since we have had any significant rain. In the part of Texas where I live, we are in a Stage 4 drought, there are only 5 stages.

When you haven't had much ran in several months it starts to take a toll on your psyche. Maybe that is just me. Rain refreshes me just as it does the Earth. I need rain, I thrive on rain. I know God will provide it for us soon if we just keep praying.

We always say here, "If you don't like the weather now just wait a few hours. It'll change." Yes, we say "it'll" - it will. It's Texas, here "oil" is pronounced "ol".  Stop chasing bunnies, back to the weather. Sunday it was just down right HOT! We were up around 100 degrees where I live. Some places just above 100. It's April for goodness sakes! It is not supposed to be that hot!! Well we just had to wait a day. Monday it was 60 degrees. So Strange. I had the AC on Sunday and the Heater on Monday. The weather should stabilize this week around 80 which is beautiful! However, no rain. Boo!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stages of a Tantrum

It's Spring Break! Beautiful weather, wind blowing, planting, it's great and exciting. We are not able to go anywhere for Spring Break this year so we have been taking little outing here and there. Tuesday we went to our favorite park. Bubba loves the park there. The playground is great, lots of area for him to run, and there are ducks. SL taught him about throwing things into the lake this time. Bubba loved it! But then it was time to leave...


Fighting it.

Over thrown.

Then we go to the playground for awhile and this makes it all better...
Until it's time to leave.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A List

1.  I don't feel well.
     I think my head my explode from all the pressure.

2.  We finally got the germs out of the house.
     All three of us were having some sort of intestinal issues. Yuck.

3.  My kidney decided to attack me and give me immense pain.

4.  I did not have to cook or clean while we were sick. Yippee!

5.  Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Concert was on TV this week, 3 times!
     I love Les Mis.

6.  I saw my hubby SL get teary eyed at the end of Les Mis.
     Yep, he cried. So did I but I'm a girl and I cry every time.

7.  I have to explain everything that is happening because SL says he can't understand what they are singing.

8.  The US tour is coming somewhat close to us in May. I'm trying to get SL to make plans to go for our anniversary, which is in May.

9.  It rained yesterday. We haven't had rain in many weeks. We are in a serious drought. Our rain yesterday only lasted for 2 minutes. Yes, I timed it.

10.  My eyebrow is twitching. I look like a crazy person who wiggles their eyebrows.

It is time for a nap.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Today I would like to thank Debra over at Writing with Debra for the Stylish Blogger Award. How sweet and thoughtful of you Debra. This should sure help me get out of my ugly fog. Be sure to head over there and say "hi" to Debra, while your there you can see who else she gave the award to.

As always there has to be rules, so here they are:
1.Thank and link back to the award giver.

2. State seven things about myself.

3. Pass on the award to 15 recently discovered bloggers.
    (That one might be hard for me. 15 is a lot.)

Oh, the fun part seven things about myself.
1. I'm a mommy to a 2 year old, "Bubba"
2. I have been married for 7 years this May.
3. I am a part time Pre-School teacher.
4. I hate washing dishes.
5. I love to bake.
6. I love to listen to music, almost any kind.
7. I liked Twilight. No I'm not 14.

And lastly I'm supposed to share this award with 15 other bloggers. This will be difficult for me. 15? Really? It has to be 15? I may not get all 15, sorry.

Beauty and the Green
Do You Really Want to Know...
Charmingly Chandler
Heartfelt and Homemade
On The Old Path
The Blue Iris
Very Best Housewife
Our Poverty with a View
Another Chance Ranch
The Chase Clan

I didn't get to 15. My brain hurts.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In a Rut

I have been in a rut lately. Work, Home, Church, Work, Home, Church. Wait for Hubby to come home. Feed child.  I need a break.

I think winter does that to me. Can't go outside, too cold and windy. Going shopping is a big ordeal. I have to plan at least three hours to do so. 30 minutes to get to store, shop for a few hours, then 30 minutes home. Hopefully home in time before Bubba falls asleep in back seat.  And with the price of gas and hour drive just to get out of the house is an expensive get away.
Sorry I don't mean to rant and moap, I'm just ready for spring. I'm ready to send Bubba out to play while I garden. First we need outdoor play things and gardening things. There I go again... sorry.

Look at what my hubby bought for me. A Nikkon D3000. SL is so sweet. He must know how moapy I have been. My old camera was definitely on it's last life. I could no longer turn the dial myself and had to drag SL everywhere I took pics so he could turn the dial, once with his teeth.  It was cheaper to buy a new camera than pay for that much dental work that would have come from a broken tooth.
Now to find my muse. Clouds, Flowers, SL, Bubba, Storms...not sure yet. Send me some suggestions. I need inspiration.

I still have my Prayer tab opened for any prayer requests you may have. Just send them to

Monday, February 21, 2011

Who... What... Where am I?

I'm tired.  I'm exhausted. I'm spent. I'm done. For now.

I still love to blog. I'm just not going to do it as much.
I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher, a house keeper. I want to keep it that way.
I won't feel bad if I go a week without a post anymore. Other bloggers will no longer make me feel bad for not blogging everyday.
Who cares about going to conventions and trying to get as many followers as possible. It's not me, anymore.
I just got a new camera from my SL and I am going spend time learning it. I will post pics of my test subjects soon.

Find your priorities.

Love to all

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Livingroom Floor Confessions

I'm exhausted. Two winter storms in one week is too much for this Texas girl. When we finally got our water back I started washing clothes and dishes. Later we heard of another storm coming like the first. I frantically washed all clothes and dishes worried that we would have frozen and busted pipes again. Plus we spent all day Sunday at church for our Superbowl chili cook off.

All of that said I have an excerpt from our first video. We get talking too much and our video became way too long so I edited this out. I still wanted to show it so here it is

My First Time Cooking w/o My Mom

Love ya Teri!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I call UNCLE!! No more COLD!!!  This Texas girl just can't handle the negative temps. This is Texas for goodness sake! Something is just wrong when Alaska is 1degree above us.

Our pipes had been freezing off and on this week. First the entire back of the house was frozen. Then part of it thawed yesterday. Yay!! The other end of it by the washer and dryer had not thawed. Last night we were woken by a strange noise around 4am. Let me tell ya how happy I was at 4am. I thought someone was breaking into my car right next to our bedroom. I jumped up put on my Uggs and ran outside ready to whip up on someone. You don't mess with my car. I LURVE my car. Well, there was no one there. Weird. I was pumped full of adrenaline so there was no getting back to sleep. Well SL heard other noises as well. Our water heater was dripping onto the flame. We heard a sizzle all morning.

SL went to put the dogs out and low and behold we had a small lake in our back yard coming from under the house. GREAT!! The pipe burst. We scrambled to get the water turned off. Now we need a plumber NOW.  Oh yeah and the water I saved in our bath tub was drained by our landlord. He is a wonderful man, but he left me with NO water, and SL took my car. I may have to whop up on him.

Feel sorry for me yet? No?  Well, I'm pretty pitiful you should.  I'll throw my own pity party. Anyone else snowed/iced in can join me.

I'm feeling really down. I just ate a muffin for lunch. This is the only thing that makes me happy.
Isn't that cute. Last time he played in the snow he looked like this...

So sweet. Here are more of my 2 year old with SL trying to play in the snow.

Don't worry Bubba had several layers on and he only stayed out for a few minutes. He screamed and whaled when it was time to come in. Until I gave him hot chocolate and cookies.
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